Text on Your Website; What it Says About Your Business.

The text on your website not only gives visitors vital information about what you provide as a /company, it can also display your professionalism and knowledge on a certain subject area.
Spelling or grammatical errors within the text on your website can put off potential customers. Not only does it show a lack of education and professionalism, it also displays a lack of attention to detail. Ensuring correct spelling and grammar throughout the website gives potential customers confidence in your business.
What to Include in the Text
The text on your website needs to give potential customers all of the information they need in order for them to make a decision on whether to engage with your business, either by buying, subscribing or enquiring about your services. Having the information in a clear, easy to read and succinct structure allows visitors to your website to gain information about your business quickly and easily. In addition to information about the business itself, such as the name and location, you should also include information on why potential customers should choose you over any competitors.
The text should be in an easy to read font, correctly spaced. Poorly written text, difficult to read font, or long paragraphs may put visitors off remaining on the site to read the text.
The text should highlight the positive aspects of your business, and why customers should choose you. Testimonials from previous customers allow visitors to verify your business. Subtitles allow visitors to skip to sections that are particularly relevant to them, and details on the ethos of your business are all things that can attract potential customers.
Visitors spend on average less than 30 seconds on a website (Nielson, 2011), so it is vital that the home page displays as much easy to read information as possible to give potential customers the opportunity to see what you are all about quickly before they make the decision whether to remain on your website and navigate the pages, or whether to click off.
Nielson, 2011. How long do users stay on webpages? Online. Accessed 27/10/2017